Why Traditional Marketing is Still Effective

Let’s not forget the traditional marketing methods are highlighted for those who are not aware of the older tried and true strategies. Recently, there has been a massive increase in advertisements on television for dot com businesses and various other companies promoting their websites to much larger audiences. Let us take a look at some of the popular traditional marketing platforms and why they are still effective.


Effective traditional marketing methods:



This is an old, but reliable marketing medium. Television is providing a huge audience with mass exposure to a mass message. Most people really don’t know that television is one of the most affordable (note that I did not say the cheapest) advertising methods. The main advantage of television would be the fact that it covers audience, audio and visual.


Newspaper classifieds

For a long time, this medium has been very popular and it’s an excellent way to target clients for an affordable cost. As an example, in case you would like to promote a business opportunity, you could put it where you find job listings. But word it carefully so you do not attract job seekers. What you want are entrepreneurs.



This medium is ideal for many things, and it can be a good fit for website promotions. The trick is that you have to have a very simple URL and you need to repeat it many times over to drill it home to your audience. If you are brave enough, try to attach it to a catchy tune so that people will remember it more easily.



Yellow Pages

The yellow pages have grown to be the popular medium that most people use to find certain business. You can get more benefits from being in multiple sections and remember that the yellow page directories can be promoted in other cities. When you consult a salesperson, you can get help to target your offerings to the best advertising places.



This is another great way for you to advertise your business using a traditional medium. When you print them, you can use them for multiple purposes such as using them as a double for mail-out postcards. If you are operating a business in the tourism or travel industry, you definitely have to take advantage of brochures.


Sending postcards

You can send out postcards to your existing customers. Even though it will not cost you much, this will be a very personal and nice way to let existing and new clients find out about your site. For it to be more effective, you could try promoting products or services for special price to help drive consumers to your website. Freebies or contests also work exceptionally well with this type of marketing.


As you can see, there are many traditional marketing methods that you can take advantage of when you want to promote a business, product or service in the 21st century. Using this method for marketing is also cost-effective.