Marketing and advertising trends in 2018

It is a well-known fact that building a successful business in the 21st century requires a lot of sacrifices. Coming up with the right business idea is usually not enough, you need to be able to do a projection of how your products and services will reach your target market. Doing a feasibility study usually helps with this regard, which should give you an idea of how your business will grow. Marketing and advertising are basically important when it comes to growing any type of business, new or existing business.

After designing or acquiring a product or service, you need to be able to market it properly to reach the right audience within the shortest possible time. Times have changed and the innovations brought by Information and Communications Technology is gradually changing the way we do things, from our business to personal life. The use of traditional marketing tools such as TV, radio and billboards are gradually decreasing, as most people are turning to IT marketing tools for solutions. Let us consider some important marketing and advertising trends in 2018.

Live video to the rescue

One of the marketing and advertising trends making waves in 2018 and beyond, is the use of live video. This is even more so because more people are beginning to appreciate the power of video content now more than ever before. Using platforms such as YouTube and IGTV, which is the newly introduced video sharing platform by Instagram, business owners can reach a larger audience. It is ideal to say that live video is a wonderful way of putting useful content out there. More business owners are already joining the trend.

Social media integration

The use of social media is also gaining a lot of attention, and business owners are not left out of this trend in 2018. Social media marketing has seen a tremendous growth over the years, with popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram gaining more users every single day. Using the right kind of social media marketing and advertisement tools, you can grow your business within the shortest possible time. With technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, social media marketing and advertisement keeps growing. Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, customers and business owners can get the best experience. This has made it possible to create marketing and advertisement products, which are tailored to the specific needs of customers.

Virtual reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and Augmented Reality are two emerging technologies that are used for marketing and advertisement in today’s business world. Virtual Reality or VR, which creates a virtual environment using images of objects or animals can be used for marketing or advertising. There are several VR-enabled applications today on various App Stores for smartphone users. This has made it an ideal avenue for creating products and services around this technology. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are ideal for marketing and events such as product launches.


How to Use Facebook Marketing for Business Profits

Through the years, Facebook marketing has been one of the most important and key players in the world of Internet marketing. Since its birth in the year 2005, Facebook has taken the world by storm and is now considered the world’s largest social networking site with millions and millions of members all over the world.

Nowadays, Facebook is not just only a mere social media networking site. It has been used by the majority of business owners worldwide to market their products and services online. More and more entrepreneurs have learned to understand how Facebook marketing can bring in sales and success to their business by providing massive flow of traffic towards their business.


With Facebook now playing a major role in the world of Internet marketing, the “old school” ways of marketing a business are long gone. Indeed, Facebook marketing and Facebook advertising have overhauled the face of internet marketing and is still growing popular among entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of the internet and social media to boost their business’ success rate.


How to Make Your Business Stand Out Using Facebook Marketing

Generally, there are millions of pages on Facebook and standing out among them would be the main question for the majority of people who venture in social media marketing. Standing out on Facebook is fairly simple. There are lots of simple strategies that can make your business stand out in the sea of Facebook pages. First, you have to establish an image online. You can start by having a large profile photo for your Facebook page. You can make use of your business logo or create an eye-catching and persuasive banner as your profile photo. You will attract and get Facebook fans in a short amount of time.


Next, you can integrate Facebook within your website or network of websites. With Facebook integrated to your website, people can share, like, and recommend your website or articles to their circle of online friends. This is a good way to make your business go viral and catch the attention of prospect clients and customers. Facebook marketing is indeed a great way for website owners and Internet marketers to promote their products.


Stay Updated With Facebook Marketing.

As much as possible, update your Facebook page on a daily basis so that your content is fresh and up to date. You can further develop and expand your network by visiting other pages and leaving sensible and high quality comments. By just simply commenting and liking posts, you will increase the chance of gaining new followers or fans on your page. Larger network of followers means a huge chance that your business will be successful.


Facebook Marketing: How to Maintain Healthy Relationships??

When you are running a Facebook marketing campaign, it is advisable that you must constantly communicate with your fans. Constantly providing them with