
Provide tips and strategies for optimizing marketing efforts for mobile users, including responsive design, mobile-friendly content, and location-based targeting. Explore how delivering exceptional customer experiences can drive brand loyalty, advocacy, and positive word-of-mouth marketing, and discuss strategies for improving customer experience across touchpoints.



Importance Of Marketing To An Organization

Are you a small business owner or looking to get your own enterprise off the ground? If you are, it will occur to you very quickly that the importance of marketing and advertising cannot be overemphasized. Even in the initial phases of starting your business, you are thinking about marketing by deciding on a name […]

How Automation can Benefit a Small Business

Did you know you could totally automate the marketing portion of your business? You can set things up where all you have to do is to worry about tending to any new prospect or customer that walks into your business. In a business model like this, you can really free up a lot of your […]

Get ahead your competitors using Video for content marketing

More and more case studies are being published on how online video content marketing is driving action to improve conversion across all points of the sales cycle – from getting found on search engines to providing information on what distances your company from the competition and closing the sale.   If you are selling into […]

The Importance Of Animated Video To Promote Your Brand

Being able to grow your business effectively in the 21st century requires going the extra mile. The methods used by business owners to sell their products and services keeps evolving every single day. As a marketing expert, you get the best results when you explore every option that is available to you. Although social media […]

GDPR is here, but it doesn’t mean your business is done prepping

It’s been just a few weeks since the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect, and aside from some high level lawsuits from activist lawyers looking to prove a point, it’s been pretty much business as usual. The media portrayed GDPR as the next and possibly more disruptive Y2K, like at midnight on May 25, […]

The impact of GDPR for Creative and Marketing Agencies

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is another arrangement of norms intended to fortify the control people have over their own data. From May 2018 it will be a lawful necessity for all organizations to hold fast to the regulations set up or confront an overwhelming fine up to €20 million or 4% of an organization’s […]

The Importance of Market Research for New Business Ideas

I know from the title you might be thinking this is a common-sense topic that you already know a ton about, but time and time again people throw all their chips in on their business without checking if there’s even a market for their product. They get a good idea, their friends agree it’s a […]

What percentage of Revenue Do Publicly Traded Companies Spend on Marketing and Sales?

Sales and marketing are very essential when it comes growing your business. Simply getting your products or services to the marketplace isn’t good enough; you need to have an effective plan and budget for how you will get more customers and how to maintain your existing customers. There are several options that are available to […]

Why Traditional Marketing is Still Effective

Let’s not forget the traditional marketing methods are highlighted for those who are not aware of the older tried and true strategies. Recently, there has been a massive increase in advertisements on television for dot com businesses and various other companies promoting their websites to much larger audiences. Let us take a look at some […]

Marketing and advertising trends in 2018

It is a well-known fact that building a successful business in the 21st century requires a lot of sacrifices. Coming up with the right business idea is usually not enough, you need to be able to do a projection of how your products and services will reach your target market. Doing a feasibility study usually […]

How to Use Facebook Marketing for Business Profits

Through the years, Facebook marketing has been one of the most important and key players in the world of Internet marketing. Since its birth in the year 2005, Facebook has taken the world by storm and is now considered the world’s largest social networking site with millions and millions of members all over the world. […]